Benefits of Weight Loss Surgery
Are you overweight and looking to improve your overall health? Do you want to be more active, prevent illnesses associated with obesity, and be more engaged in your life? If so, our Alexandria bariatric surgeon, Dr. James Parrish, may be able to help you with weight loss surgery. Some key reasons to consider weight loss surgery are to:
Decrease Your Risk for Diabetes
- 90% of people with type II diabetes are obese.
- The risk of diabetes increases by 400% for those who are obese.
- Up to 84% of the time, weight loss surgery can cure diabetes.
- Up to 93% of the time, weight loss surgery can improve the conditions of diabetes.
- Many other complications associated with diabetes can significantly decrease following weight loss, including heart disease, blindness, and amputation.
Reduce Blood Pressure
- 75% of people with hypertension (high blood pressure) are overweight.
- Obesity is one of the strongest predictors of high blood pressure.
- Up to 70% of the time, weight loss surgery can cure hypertension.
- About 90% of weight loss surgery patients will notice an improvement in their blood pressure and will take less hypertension medication.
Lower Bad Cholesterol
- Following weight loss surgery, high triglyceride and high cholesterol conditions improve in about 90% of patients.
- Post-operatively, levels of good cholesterol (HDL) should increase and levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) should decrease.
Improve Sleep Apnea
- Obesity and sleep apnea are linked.
- Sleep apnea is often under-diagnosed or undiagnosed, which can lead to a variety of serious medical problems. This condition can be diagnosed with a sleep study.
- Some signs of sleep apnea include: loud snoring, breathing pauses, being tired all of the time, and falling asleep during the day despite getting a normal amount of sleep.
- Sleep apnea can cause a decrease of oxygen to the blood, which can lead to other serious conditions.
- After weight loss surgery, up to 95% of sleep apnea cases can be cured.
Minimize Major Medical Problems
Medical problems that have been connected to obesity include:
- Heart disease
- Cirrhosis of the liver
- Infertility
- Stroke
- Arthritis
- Gallbladder disease
- Polycystic ovary syndrome
- Gout
- Phlebitis
- Depression
Cancer is also sometimes linked to obesity. It is estimated that excess body fat can be linked to about 14% of cancer deaths in older men and 20% in older women. All of the medical conditions listed above and other medical problems associated with obesity can attribute to a shorter life expectancy.
In 2004, there was a landmark study performed that concluded less excess weight can lead to a longer life. In this study, obese patients were divided into two groups: one group had weight loss surgery and the other did not. After five years, almost 90% fewer of the participants in the weight loss surgery group had died compared to the obese participants who did not have weight loss surgery. Researchers observed the mortality rate was nine times lower in the group that had weight loss surgery.
Weight loss surgery may not be for everyone. However, if you have experienced medical problems connected to obesity and have not had success losing weight, weight loss surgery may be something to consider. The surgery is designed to help you live a healthier, longer, and more enjoyable life.
If you have any questions about weight loss surgery, or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Parrish, please contact us today.