Gastric Bypass and Diabetes – Alexandria Bariatric Surgeon On How the Procedure can Potentially Eliminate the Disease

Dr. James Parrish is spreading awareness about how gastric bypass can reduce type-2 diabetes.

Dr. James Parrish of Mid Louisiana Surgical Specialists is spreading awareness of procedures such as gastric bypass surgery that have shown a remarkable ability to reduce – and even eradicate – type 2 diabetes in many patients.

Alexandria, LA – The American Diabetes Association estimates that approximately 30 million adults and children suffer from diabetes in the United States alone. While the condition can affect individuals who are otherwise healthy and of an average weight, it is particularly prevalent among those who are affected by severe obesity. In fact, type-2 diabetes, the most common form of the disease, is also one of the most common comorbid conditions in people who have severe obesity. Dr. James Parrish, a bariatric surgeon in Alexandria and the Natchitoches, Louisiana area, is doing his part to spread awareness about treatment options available that may be able to help these individuals reduce – and possibly even eliminate – type-2 diabetes and the many risks to their health the condition can cause.

Dr. Parrish says weight loss surgery can be very effective at helping patients reduce diabetes, high blood pressure, and many other common conditions that have been linked with obesity. He notes that gastric bypass surgery specifically has been shown to produce an extraordinary reduction in type-2 diabetes among patients who have undergone the treatment. In fact, Dr. Parrish says, at least 80 percent of patients have experienced a total remission of the disease.

Gastric bypass surgery reroutes the intestines and alters the shape of the stomach to give patients an earlier feeling of fullness at mealtimes, ultimately helping them lose large amounts of weight and minimize health risks associated with obesity. Dr. Parrish says recent research has looked into the particular reasons why gastric bypass surgery has had such a pronounced effect on type-2 diabetes. A new study offered a theory as to how blood sugar levels go back to normal very quickly for many patients. The research found that the small intestine, once it has been attached to the smaller stomach pouch created during gastric bypass surgery, may be producing a certain molecule that aids the utilization of glucose. This action can ultimately decrease levels of blood sugar, which may account for the fact that many patients experience a normalization of blood sugar prior to any weight loss. While Dr. Parrish says more research will be necessary to prove that the theory is correct, the study poses interesting possibilities as to why this particular surgery has been so successful at rapidly reducing type-2 diabetes for so many patients.

Dr. Parrish notes that diabetes carries a number of other risks to one’s life and livelihood along with it, including the potential for heart disease, blindness, and other debilitating conditions. With gastric bypass surgery, Dr. Parrish says patients can dramatically reduce those risks and begin living healthier and happier lives. He also notes that the procedure has become highly advanced over the years, offering surgeons the ability to utilize techniques that minimize scarring and recovery time.

Dr. Parrish advises individuals who are considering weight loss surgery to consult with an experienced bariatric surgeon who will answer all of their questions and who offers comprehensive programs designed to help them through every aspect of the weight loss process.

About James N. Parrish, MD, FACS
A board-certified General Surgeon, Dr. James Parrish has performed hundreds of weight loss surgery procedures. He is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and is an Executive Board Member and past President of the Louisiana Chapter of the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. In addition to his services at Mid Louisiana Surgical Specialists in the Alexandria, Natchez, and Natchitoches, Louisiana area, Dr. Parrish is the Medical Director of Bariatric Surgery at Central Louisiana Surgical Hospital and Christus St. Francis Cabrini Hospital. He is experienced in a variety of weight loss surgery techniques, including gastric bypass surgery, gastric sleeve surgery, and adjustable gastric banding. Dr. Parrish is available for interview upon request.

To learn more about Dr. Parrish and his practice, please visit


Dr. James Parrish, FACS
Mid Louisiana Surgical Specialists
3311 Prescott Rd Ste 201
Alexandria, LA 71301
(318) 277-9164

Rosemont Media
(858) 200-0044

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