Gastric Bypass vs Gastric Sleeve: Which is Right for Me?

Gastric Bypass vs. Gastric SleeveGastric bypass and gastric sleeve surgery (also known as vertical sleeve gastrectomy) are two of the most popular and effective bariatric surgery procedures available at our practice. They are two very different procedures, but they both serve essentially the same function: to help you attain an earlier feeling of fullness at mealtimes, lose significant amounts of weight, reduce risks of obesity-related health conditions, and start living a healthier lifestyle. With that in mind, how do you know whether gastric bypass surgery or gastric sleeve surgery is the better option for you?

Ultimately, the answer to that question depends on your physical needs and personal goals. Once you have been determined a candidate for bariatric surgery during your initial consultation, Dr. James Parrish will talk with you about your surgical options. A laparoscopic gastric bypass involves the separation of a small part of the stomach and redirection of a portion of the small intestine. This creates a stomach pouch for food intake, one that will hold much less than before and make you feel full after eating less food. Laparoscopic gastric sleeve surgery actually removes a large portion of the stomach, which decreases a hormone that gives you food cravings. The remainder of the stomach is a small sleeve-like tube about the size of a banana. This tube restricts the amount of food you ingest and ultimately helps patients feel full at an earlier point than before.

Both gastric bypass and gastric sleeve procedures can help patients lose up to 60-70 percent of their excess body weight in one year and significantly reduce comorbid conditions such as Type-2 diabetes and high blood pressure. Gastric bypass has an edge in terms of absolute weight loss and in treating conditions such as diabetes and reflux. It is otherwise equivalent to the sleeve.

Gastric sleeve surgery also has numerous benefits, and is a better tolerated technique for many individuals. Significant reduction of comorbidities have been seen with this procedure, and the weight loss results are quite similar to those of gastric bypass. Plus, gastric sleeve surgery does not involve the rerouting of intestines or caloric malabsorption.

In summary, the gastric bypass is the best procedure for the treatment of diabetes, reflux (GERD), and in terms of weight loss. The gastric sleeve is almost as good and is a less complicated procedure which many patients find easier to tolerate.

Gastric sleeve surgery is performed in about 85 percent of Dr. Parrish’s patients here at Mid Louisiana Surgical Specialists, and about 15 percent have gastric bypass surgery. During your initial consultation, Dr. Parrish will go over your medical history, perform a comprehensive exam, and talk with you about your options to determine which may be best for your needs.

Contact Mid Louisiana Surgical Specialists
If you would like more information on gastric sleeve and gastric bypass surgery, or if you would like to schedule your consultation, please contact Dr. Parrish today.

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